Recruitment Resources

Recruitment plan and strategies

To aid with marketing and recruitment strategies, you can download the Recruitment Plan. Additionally, the Scouts, BSA National Recruitment resources page, and promotional video are valuable resources to explore. To increase recruitment success, consider utilizing the following marketing ideas and tools:

  • Social Media: Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and NextDoor can be utilized to stay connected with friends, family, and community organizations. Facebook’s geofencing feature can also be used to target individuals in specific geographic areas. Once flyers are requested, a geofencing campaign will be automatically created for you.
  • Community Promotions: Emphasize that Scouting is still active and supports communities while building future leaders. Direct individuals to to find a troop to join. Focus on promoting Scouting as a whole, including the participation of girls and families in BSA Scouting programs. Download a copy of the Recruitment Plan for help with marketing, recruitment strategies, and a unit checklist.

BeAScout Online Registration

Visit for up to date information on the programs within the Greater Colorado Council.

Unit leaders should also be populating their “unit pin” in order to display the most accurate information.

request free Recruitment Materials

Use the Recruitment Materials Sign-Up 2024 to order your print materials today!

There are a variety of print materials available, see the photos below for reference.

Please allow GCC staff a minimum of 72 hours to prepare items. You will be notified when your order is complete.


Cub Scout, SCouts BSA and Venturing Recruitment IDea Books

Find additional ideas, tools and promotions to aid your recruitment efforts by downloading the guides below.

Cub Scouts Recruitment Idea Book

Scouts BSA Recruitment Idea Book

Venturing Recruitment Idea Book

national Recruitment assets and resources

The BSA Brand Center offers assets for all Scouting programs, including templates, videos and approved photos to help promote Scouting.