Camping Director – Jack Loats
Ranch Superintendent – Scott Field
Ranger – Josh Field
Program Team Admin – JoLynne Conrad
McNeil Scout Ranch at Peaceful Valley
McNeil Scout Ranch at Peaceful Valley is available for off-season participation. McNeil offers campsites, forts and more, that are available for Scouting and non-Scouting organizations to rent.
If your business or organization is interested in renting McNeil Scout Ranch, please contact the Camping Department by email.
All non-Scouting organizations are subject to provide certificates of insurance and liability as well as, adhere to all policies and procedures for both the Greater Colorado Council and the Boy Scouts of America, as well as all local, state, and federal laws.
McNeil Scout Ranch at Peaceful Valley has 5 lodges (Ft. Vasquez, Ft. Garland, Ft. Laramie, Ft. Collins and Ft. Lupton) that sleep 18 people each. Additionally, the following campsites are available for weekend camping: Abilene, Creede, Cripple Creek, Deadwood, Dodge, El Paso, Laredo, Ogallala, Raton, Santa Fe, Sedalia, Stillwater, Victor and Wichita. You can find the location for the lodges and campsites on the McNeil Scout Ranch at Peaceful Valley – Cris Dobbins map.
Reservations: 720.266.2143 Email
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