Boy Scouts of America, Greater Colorado Council

Planned Giving to the Greater Colorado Council

Deciding who you want to receive your assets and possessions after your lifetime is an extremely important decision and one that we all will face sometime. In addition to family members, we often want to share what we have accumulated with other organizations such as a church, college, and other nonprofit organization. The GCC has an active program of promoting and receiving estate gifts and it is an important part of our fundraising program. We encourage you to include us in your will, codicil, or life insurance policy, and to donate securities, IRA accounts, or other assets that would help secure future programs for Scouting youth. 

These gifts are placed in a permanent endowment fund and the annual earnings will provide support for ongoing activities, camp development, and maintenance, along with other educational opportunities that help to develop character, values, and leadership qualities that are so important to future leaders.

Whatever method chosen to make a planned gift to the GCC, there are often tax benefits. Please consult an attorney, financial adviser, or tax consultant for information. 

The GCC also has a formal recognition program for donors making gift commitments to the Council. Please contact us regarding the various giving levels, as well as an annual recognition event. For more information on how to can make a meaningful gift arrangement and with no obligation, please contact: 

For more information contact

Dave DeCecco, Director of Development, Greater Colorado Council.

Phone: 720.266.2132