Boy Scouts of America, Greater Colorado Council

Sustainability Funds for the Greater Colorado Council

To ensure that Scouting grows and continues to be a thriving force in shaping tomorrow’s leaders today, the GCC has embarked on an aggressive endowment program calling for 20 percent of its annual operating budget to come from endowment investments, where the principle remains untouched.    

Please consider Investing in the future of Scouting and becoming a member of the Heritage Society. Here, gifts remain intact and the interest from the investment is used to promote and fund existing Scouting programs, thereby building a legacy for future generations. Gifts — large or small — may consist of cash, securities, a planned gift through a Will, a codicil (amendment) to a Will, or there are a dozen other methods to consider. Please consult your attorney or financial advisor. 

Giving opportunities that grow:

  • James E. West Fellowship Award: named after the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, supporters who contribute $1,000 to $25,000 in cash or securities receive a James E. West lapel pin, a personalized certificate and leader knot.
  • Heritage Society: For donors who make an outright gift of $10,000to $25,000, or a deferred gift of $25,000 to $100,000.
  • Second Century Society: For donors who make an outright of $25,000 or more, or a deferred gift of $100,000 or more.

For additional information on these giving opportunities, please visit

GCC development staff is here to answer any questions about Planned Giving. Development staff can work with donor attorneys and/or financial advisors to help determine gifts that will support the GCC mission while ensuring a family’s financial security.