TH Trek with Sawtooth

session Dates

There are no 2021 dates.


Reservations: 720.266.2111 Email

Camp: (Summer Only) 303.440.4040 Email

Camping Director – Willie Rochester 

Social Media


Documents & Links

Tahosa Trek at Tahosa High Adventure Base

Tahosa Trek is an introduction to backpacking for Scouts. As part of this program, participants will spend two-days at camp preparing the fundamentals of trekking and two and one half-days putting it into practice. 

Tahosa Trek was created as an introduction to backpacking for Scouts too young for Alpine Adventure Trek, or who do not yet feel ready for an extended backpacking trip. Tahosa Trek is comprised of classroom time and a three-day, two-night trip in the Roosevelt National Forest just off the Tahosa High Adventure Base property. 

The week begins learning about packing a backpack, appropriate clothing and footwear, and specifics to select the right campsite. While on the trail, Scouts will cook over a backpacking stove and implement the principles of “leave no trace.” At the end of the program, trekkers will have acquired the skills and confidence to tackle larger adventure backpack trips or return to the troop to teach younger Scouts the fundamentals of trekking. Please use the gear list in the Leader’s Guide. 

Treks are limited to 11 participants and must include a minimum of one adult. Scouts must be second-year campers to participate in this program.

This does not replace the week-long EaglePoint summer camp program. Additional Scouts can register under EaglePoint summer camp program (week-long). Start the registration process now by selecting the date your troop would like to attend, and then follow the links connected to the date.

Program Features

Base Camp

Trail Hiking





Extreme Weather Preparation


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