The Greater Colorado Council Customer Service Center hours are from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.
You may also call the office at 303.455.5522 to request an appointment.
Office Closures:
The Greater Colorado Council is closed for the occasional snow day and the following holidays. Please call 303.455.5522 to confirm any closures if you are unsure.
Holiday Closures:
New Year’s Day; Martin Luther King, Jr., Day; President’s Day; Good Friday; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving; Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
Name Number Position
Alberto Rodriguez Field Director (720) 266-2237
Angela Garland Development Director (720) 266-2144
Asher Lavallee Black Feather District Executive (720) 266-2163
Becki Cornwall Development Director (720) 266-2139
Bee Zea Membership Associate (720) 266-2135
Brian Bell Centennial District Executive (720) 266-2125
Charlie Botnick Valley District Executive (720) 266-2148
Charlie Mauro Alpine Senior District Executive (720) 266-2178
Chuck Brasfeild Scout Executive/CEO (720) 266-2120
Claudia Rodriguez-Ortega STEM Executive (720) 266-2179
Dave DeCecco Chief Development & Marketing Officer (720) 266-2132
Dave Whitner Director of Support Service (720) 266-2101
David Miller Majestic Mesas District Executive (720) 266-2149
Eevie Lockhart Black Feather Senior District Executive (720) 266-2124
Elizabeth Gonzalez Scoutreach Executive (720) 266-2104
Emilie Strawhun Membership Director (720) 266-2130
Gail Atkinson Membership Specialist 970-549-6794
Jack Castellano Development Director (720) 266-2122
Jack Loats Camping Executive Ranch Director (720) 266-2105
Jared Wharry Field Director (720) 266-2150
Jay Spada Controller (720) 266-2136
Jeanette Lloyd Unit Services Clerk (720) 266-2103
Jessica Blazek Field Service Associate (720) 266-2102
John Braselton Camping Specialist (720) 266-2128
JoLynne Conrad Program Team Administrative Specialist (720) 266-2143
Jordan Fulton Chief of Staff (720) 266-2121
Josh Thieldsen Sr. Ranch Ranger (720) 209-6961
Katie Day Centennial District Executive (720) 266-2155
Kit Campbell District Support Team (720) 266-2147
Linda Fitzjarrell Office Assistant (303) 455-5522
Lizzy Dowd CAP Director (720) 266-2233
Lyndzie Fifhause Accounting Assistant (303) 455-5522
Maggie McCulloch Three Rivers District Executive (720) 266-2129
Mariana Larrea Associate Program Director (720) 266-2106
Max English Fundraising Assistant (303) 455-5522
Mike Fifhause Deputy Scout Executive (720) 266-2127
Rachel Gellman Frontier District Executive (720) 266-2137
Savannah Dalton Alpine District Executive (720) 266-2131
Scott Field Superintedant (720) 841-6887
Willie Rochester Support Services Manager (720) 266-2107